Maquinaria Lorenzana S.A.

Acceso de clientes Private Area: ¿forgot your password?



This document establishes the General Terms and Conditions of Use for this WEBSITE that the MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,has made available on the Internet. Any user accessing this WEBSITE must first read and accept the terms, conditions, notifications, warnings and any other legal disclaimers contained in these clauses. Access to this WEBSITE is free and no previous subscription or registration is required to view it. Any links to other WEBSITES and the use which users may make of them are subject to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, and to any specific conditions required by the aforementioned WEBSITES. Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited.


  • As the service provider, MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,is bound to supply the services offered by this WEBSITE, to effectively guarantee the confidentiality of any communication made with its users and to respond to any complaints that may arise. This WEBSITE does not register or store the personal data of the persons visiting it unless they are provided voluntarily by the user.
  • MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,reserves the right to modify or update the information contained on the WEBSITE, or its configuration or presentation, at any time and with no prior notice. Without prejudice to this fact they shall however endeavour to inform the users of the same, whenever the circumstances permit.
  • Both access to the WEBSITE and the use that may be made of the information contained on it are the exclusive responsibility of the person consulting it. MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,shall not be held liable for any consequences or damages which may arise from this access to information or use of the same, with the exception of any actions resulting from the application of the legal provisions to which they are subject in the strict exercise of their duties.

MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,does not guarantee, directly or indirectly, the information or services offered, except in the case of guarantees that must be granted by virtue of the applicable legislation or explicitly figuring in an agreement between the aforementioned company and the user.

MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,does not guarantee content supplied by third parties, where this is the case, and neither does it guarantee the veracity, reliability, accuracy, suitability or convenience of the information supplied for the purposes the users or any other persons may make of the same.


  • The user must make lawful use of the services provided on this WEBSITE at all times, in accordance with the existing legislation, and respect the intellectual property rights of MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.
  • Users may not carry out any action via the services made available to them by MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,which will cause damage to or alteration of the WEBSITE’s content, or hinder the correct functioning of the same. They may not cause any technical problems of any type, transfer elements likely to carry computer virus or which may totally or partially damage, interfere with or intercept this WEBSITE, and neither may they intervene in or interfere with the electronic mail of other users.


  • MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,does not guarantee the availability and continuity of functioning of this WEBSITE and its services. It shall therefore hold no liability for damages of any kind which may derive from the unavailability or discontinuity of functioning of the WEBSITE and its services. In any case, MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,will do everything in its power to keep this WEBSITE continuously available.
  • MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,provides users with personal data privacy systems, preventing third parties from accessing the same. (MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,’s privacy policy.) MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,has implemented all the necessary technical and organisational security measures to guarantee the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the personal data provided by users.
    In this respect, the said company shall not be held liable for any damages which may arise if knowledge of such data should occur.
  • In spite of the fact that MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,has taken all the suitable measures to guarantee security in this regard, it can neither control nor guarantee the absence of virus or other elements in the content of this WEBSITE which could cause alteration to the user’s computer system (software and hardware) and/or to electronic documents and files stored in their computer systems.
  • MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,shall hold no liability for damages of any kind arising from the presence of virus in the WEBSITE’s content which could cause alterations to the computer, electronic documents, files, etc.
    MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,does not guarantee that access to its WEBSITE and the content of the same will be free from any errors. The user therefore exempts MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,from any liability as regards reliability, utility or any false expectations given rise to by the Site when they visit the same.


The intellectual property rights to this WEBSITE and the different elements contained therein belong to MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,., except for those of companies with which it has signed the relevant contract for the provision of content, and which are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations. The exclusive exercise of rights to reproduction, distribution, public communication and modification belongs to the aforementioned company. The design, images, maps, graphs, brand names, headings, distinctive trademarks or logos of MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,., frames, banners, software and its different codes, source and object, etc. on this WEBSITE are the property of MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,., who lawfully and exclusively possesses the rights to exploitation of the same. Users accessing this WEBSITE may not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, transfer or sell the aforementioned elements, or create new products or services deriving from the information obtained. Only viewing and downloading for personal and non-commercial use by the user is authorised, and this does not extend to third parties or entities. Any alteration of this WEBSITE by the user which may affect its content, such as links and similar, is categorically forbidden. MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,shall ensure that the content of this WEBSITE is not of a pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist or defamatory nature, and that it does not incite violence. Likewise, it shall endeavour to prevent any circumstances from occurring which may be detrimental to its users.

6.- LINKS.

No link may be made to this WEBSITE from any other site without express consent from MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,. If this WEBSITE should contain links to other portals or WEBSITES not administered by MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,., this company hereby declares that it has no control over such portals or WEBSITES, and is not responsible for their content. Any links featuring on this WEBSITE will be for informative and reference purposes only, and the company makes no assessment of any kind regarding their content, owners, or the products and services offered by the same. MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,shall not be held liable in any case in relation to the services provided by the aforementioned third parties with regard to claims or lawsuits of any kind which may be filed in relation to the same.


These General Terms and Conditions of Access and Use, and any relationship between the user and MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A.,shall be governed by Spanish legislation. In the event of any dispute arising from the existence or content of these General Terms and Conditions or any relationship between the user and MAQUINARIA LORENZANA S.A., both parties are to expressly forego any other jurisdiction which may correspond to them and submit their arbitration to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).


+34 987 583 685Avda. Virgen de los Imposibles, 188. Pol. Ind. de Villacedré
24009 León