Maquinaria Lorenzana S.A.

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The general code of conduct of Maquinaria Lorenzana, S.A. collects the set of ethical principles and rules of conduct that govern the actions of all the employees of this company.

The General code is applicable to the members of the administrative bodies and all employees of machinery Lorenzana, S.A.,

Each one of the professionals of M.L. has the obligation to know and comply with the General code and collaborate in order to facilitate its implementation in the enterprise, helping others to do so and reporting of non-compliance with the same, if he/she knows it. Participation in all training actions that we are summoned to the adequate knowledge of the General code is mandatory and we are encouraged to raise any questions or problem through the appropriate channels.

Human resources will be the responsible Department, which will ensure the correct communication of the submission to the General code to all employees and will report regularly to management of monitoring and compliance.

Since our beginnings, the main policy of the company has been providing our customers, products and services tailored to their needs, in a close and efficient way.

The main ethical values that guide us at carrying out our duties and at dealing with clients and co -workers are:

We are committed to a working environment with equal opportunities, with nondiscrimination and free of harassment and retaliation.
It is a basic principle of action for us to provide equal opportunities in access to work and professional promotion, ensuring at all times the absence of discrimination on grounds of sex or sexual orientation, race, religion, origin, civil status or social condition.
Harassment, abuse, intimidation, lack of respect and consideration or any kind of physical or verbal aggression, are unacceptable and will not be permitted or tolerated at work.

We try to reconcile work with private life and help others to do so.
In order to develop the commitment of corporate social responsibility assumed by management to improve the quality of life of employees and their families, we strive to promote an environment of work compatible with personal development, helping people in our teams to reconcile the requirements of the job with the needs of his personal and family life in the best possible way.

We provide our employees a safe working environment.
M. lorenzana considered the occupational safety and health of our employees essential to achieve a safe and comfortable working environment, being a priority the permanent working conditions improvement.
Therefore, we will always respect the applicable preventive measures in the field of occupational safety and health, using the resources established by the Organization and ensuring that our members conduct their activities safely.

We aspire to act by reducing to the lowest level the environmental impact of our professional activity
We want to commit ourselves actively and responsibly with conservation of the environment, respecting the legal requirements, following the recommendations and procedures established by the company to reduce the environmental impact of our activities and contributing to improve the sustainability objectives in our corporate social responsibility protocols.

We support the fundamental human rights and avoid participating in abusive economic activities, and contrary to human rights.
In this sense, we respect the rights of syndication, Association and collective negotiation internationally recognized, as well as the activities carried out by organizations representative of workers, in accordance with the duties and powers that are legally attributed, with whom will remain a relationship based on mutual respect in order to promote an open, transparent and constructive dialogue that will consolidate the objectives of social peace and stability.

We act in a socially responsible manner in accordance with laws, uses and customs of the countries in which we operate and contribute responsibly to the development of the community.
We are fully integrated into those countries in which we have settled as a company, developing there the same values that we try to carry out in our home office and always focusing our goal in customer satisfaction.


View general code of conduct


+34 987 583 685Avda. Virgen de los Imposibles, 188. Pol. Ind. de Villacedré
24009 León