Maquinaria Lorenzana S.A.

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It's name is Tau Tona ( African name means great Lion), the city of gold, is in South Africa in the town of Carletonville, 70 kilometres from Johannesburg.

The biggest gold worldwide production comes from there. The depth is 3.6 km and currently is working to reach the 4 km. There work about 5,600 people and it has more than 800 km of galleries. It is so immense that a journey from the surface to the grain more remote can last more than 4 hours of go and back.

The working conditions are very hard since we must take into account that the temperature that reaches the rock is very high (more than 55 degrees) and despite the huge cooling systems available to the mine, the temperature usually does not get 20 degrees, and that taking into account that moisture is equivalent to which you would find in a sauna.
Every year there is an average of 5 dead in the mine. And all this to get some 1,600 kg of gold per month, for which must be removed 140,000 tons of Earth and rock; But despite that this mine is also one of the most profitable in the world and one of the few in South Africa which is still open, being provided that you active until 2015 approximately.
Anything suitable for a claustrophobic, if you've had the opportunity to enter a mine, can imagine the heat in a place as well, it's that stifling and just a few meters from the surface, no doubt it must be a great job, something National Geographic include a documentary of this place in Megastructures series.


+34 91 670 00 78Ctra Valencia, km 19,200
28524 Rivas Vaciamadrid (Madrid)